who we are


We focus on the three grand transformations of our time: The AI & Digital Transformation, the Sustainability & Circularity Transformation and the Business Model Transformation. bluegain accompanies your transformation end-to-end and goes beyond power points. We not only develop the complete transformation strategy, we also support the implementation of the transformation even by leading the transformation office until the transformation has gained momentum. Finally, with our own academy, we ensure the enablement of the organization so that the undesirable flipping back is avoided, and your transformation can succeed sustainably through self-efficacy.

We ensure that the business impact is reaped from the projects but leave the technical implementation to the software providers and implementation partners. As our goal is to provide unbiased advice, we are not tied to any software vendor, we do not have a gold partnership, we do not accept kickbacks. We are the partner who has sat in your chair, and we know first-hand that your role can be challenging. That’s why our only interest is to make you successful and always act in the best interest of the organization as a whole. That is our commitment.

We are Pros in Transformation. We have led more than 50 large-scale transformations, conceptually thought through every aspect of transformation, analyzed 350 transformations worldwide, identified the success patterns and pitfalls, and authored the standard references in the field. Our ‚Pro2Pro approach‘ stands for credibility through our own leadership experience in leading major transformations. Additionally, we can inject the experience and knowledge of leading authorities in your program. We did it before!

Use cases are the ultimate currency of every successful transformation program.

Dr. Carsten Linz, CEO & Founder bluegain