Leadership in extremely uncertain environments requires a long-term perspective, a focus on purpose, a willingness to innovate and transform, and a constant focus on fast learning to seize the opportunity in the contradiction. bluegain takes pride in its dedicated academy, a beacon for leaders and future leaders seeking to navigate the intricate landscape of the business world, offering invaluable guidance and support for CHROs and specialized HR teams and collaborating closely with numerous companies. /


Learning organizations win. When leaders make learning the means, organizations can intelligently deal with extreme uncertainty, proactively shape the future, adapt and evolve organizationally, and stand the test of time.

The focus in learning has so far been on scalable on-demand solutions but the measured learning effect is limited. Blended learning - the combination of on-site and online training - can form a basis for empowering an organization. Ultimately, learning and working must go hand in hand in form of action-based learning.

New technologies are only adopted and can have the intended effect if people understand them with their hearts and minds, if significant added value is created, new behaviors are accepted, and the right skills and competencies are in place. Learning by doing is crucial for acquiring new skills, competencies and ways of thinking.

To master the future, leaders need new, higher qualities than the ones that got us here, namely sensemaking – making meaning out of ambiguity, polarity management - dealing with contradictions, and capacity building - dealing with much more information. We also need to strike the right balance and integrate human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Successful organizations invest in the maturity of their leaders.

Learning cultures perform better than performance cultures.


/ Skill-/Competence As-Is Assessment
/ Development of Skill/Competence Target Picture
/ Bespoke Digital Enablement Programs [6-9 months]
/ Customer-specific Sustainability Enablement Programs [6-9 months]
/ Trainings and Training Modules for specific topics [2-5 days] e.g. Digital Business Models, Next-Gen Green & Digital Product Management, OKR Agile Goal Mgmt Framework
/ Masterclasses with Renowned Speakers and Faculty [1-2 days]


Enabling people and culture is the ‘transmission belt’ for successful transformations.

In our bluegain Academy, we craft bespoke enablement programs specifically tailored to the strategic needs and maturity level of the respective organization. We empower leaders to spearhead digital, sustainable, and business model transformations. All participants learn on the basis of concrete and real (digital) projects of the company – either virtually, in classroom settings, or ideally in blended formats.

A bespoke enablement program comprises a proven training curriculum performed at top business school-level. The teams learn on the basis of concrete and real digital or sustainability projects of the company, so-called action-based learning. The program combines intense training, group work, case studies, and project work and is based on own research and proven in business practice with various corporate clients.The duration is typically 6-9 months with the goal to empower a company’s leaders and key employees for the digital-sustainable age. Learn how clients have benefited from bluegain’s programs. [Link to DZ Bank case study].

Our bluegain Academy has a renowned ‘faculty’ and a vast network of CxOs and top experts, who enable participants based on both own profound research and proven next business practices. Our Academy not just an educational offering; it is a dynamic hub where leaders are molded to proactively shape the future of their organizations. Their forte is not merely in understanding these shifts but in leading the way forward.

Bluegain Academy helps organizations to reach the next level by professionalizing them, developing skills and competencies and creating new behaviors through enablement and coaching. In this way, we empower the organization to be self-effective to sustain the transformation momentum without further external support. We unleash potential and turn them into digitally and sustainably thinking and acting organizations.

/ our other services

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bluegain drives Digital & IT Transformation with a focus on AI to create business impact and clean-up tech debt.

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/ sustainability transformation

bluegain helps leaders redefine corporate futures by integrating sustainability and circularity practices into the core business - enabled by technology.

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/ business model transformation

bluegain partners with leading companies to redefine how to create, deliver, and capture value, monetize data, and drive market adoption and profitable growth.