Given the noise in the world, a breakthrough on our challenging path to a more sustainable future has gone almost unnoticed by the public. A historic agreement to protect the world’s oceans has been reached with the so-called United Nations High Seas Treaty. “The ship has reached the shore,” said BBNJ President Rena Lee at the United Nations in New York, bringing ten years of negotiations to a successful conclusion. The treaty aims to help ensure that 30% of the oceans are declared protected areas by 2030, to safeguard and recuperate marine nature by filling the gaps in governance of the high seas re. fishing rights and implementation of marine protected areas.
Every human being on our planet is descended from marine life. Two-thirds of the surface of our “blue” planet is ocean, and the oceans make up 95% of all habitat on Earth. The ocean provides more than half of the oxygen on our planet. It provides food and essential nutrients to billions of people and livelihoods to millions more in a range of sectors, from fisheries and aquaculture to tourism, maritime transport and renewable energy. A thriving ocean is key in ensuring coastal defences during increasingly volatile weather and storms, especially in vulnerable coastal communities, cities and states. The ocean is our most important carbon sink, absorber of excess global warming and buffer against climate change.
Figure 1
/ The Extent of Ocean Protection

Source: WEF [2023], bluegain Analysis [2023]

To date, only 1% of the high seas are under a conservation protocol, and only 39% of the ocean falls under national jurisdiction. We need the ocean more than we ever realized. It is high time that the ocean receives the protection it deserves.
- Dr. Carsten Linz is the CEO of bluegain. Formerly Group Digital Officer at BASF and Business Development Officer at SAP, he is known for building €100 million businesses and leading large-scale transformations affecting 60,000+ employees. He is represented on boards including Shareability’s Technology & Innovation Committee and Social Impact. A member of the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network, Dr. Linz is also a published author who shares his expertise as an educator in executive programs at top business schools.
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